Saturday, September 8, 2012

2 weeks into Classes

So I have now survived 2 weeks at Dallas Seminary. I can’t believe I am here, in Dallas, Texas attending Dallas Theological Seminary. How is this possible? How can this be real…….?

There are some wondering why I choose to use these words. Its simple, how can a place like Dallas Seminary even exist? A place where I spend all my days learning about God and living in a community designed to help build up each other in Christ. It is such and honor being here to praise Χριστας Jesus.

At the same time, I was on how unprepared for seminary I feel. I’m in classrooms where people are asking questions that I never would have thought of. I’m in situations where people talk about theologians like Piper and Sturgeon…. I have felt like a small fish in an ocean. Many times, I don’t feel like I should be here. I don’t know who Sturgeon and Piper are? I do now…kinda…but at the same time these conversations are so far above me that I just don’t know. I’ve got caught in conversations about Dispensationalism, covenant theology, eschatology, systematic theology and many times I do not even know what they are referring to.

For example, last night I realized I have spent all of my study time learning about Greek and little to no time studying for any other class. Greek out of all things feels like it owns my life. I spend probably a good 3 hours a day studying this language. I’ve learned vocab, articles, grammar and who knows what else so far and I have had only 4 classes and have 5 semesters of Greek ahead of me (including this semester).

The one thing I do know is this…I cannot make it through seminary. I cant plain and simple, this is something I will not be able to do in my own power. There is no study method; time management program, study aids that could help. I cannot do this. But the Grace of God can allow me to do this. He can help me learn, study, and master the classes I have to take.

Here is the thing I know…I am here not for me. I did not come to Dallas Theological Seminary so I could do something I want but something I need to do. I need to go where my savior wants me to be.  God spoke to me through John 17:18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. Jesus spent thirty years before he began his ministry. I am here for Him and Him alone, not myself, not for family, not for any church or organization and not for a pastor. I am here to learn about God only. This is a preparation stage for me.

Please continue to pray for God’s provision in my life.