Friday, October 12, 2012

What's been going on the past few weeks

Where do I even begin to explain the last few weeks I have been here at Dallas Theological seminary? I have learned so much from the amazing professors on this campus and have run into things I never expected while at seminary. I learned ideas on thing s I thought I knew but did not before. I am so honored to be here and to have such a calling placed upon my life.
                       I am so thankful to have the opportunity to learn about Jesus from these amazing God-fearing Professors. One of my favorite classes this semester (I actually love all of my classes) is Spiritual Life. I have been learning about Grace, the Flesh, Christian Responsibility and Holiness. Studying Holiness changed my view on God. It was something I thought I knew but didn’t. I learned that Holiness is perfection. Perfection is something we cannot even comprehend since there is nothing in this world that is perfect. The only thing that is perfect is the way the planets work in the universe. It is things like this that are changing my life and by understanding of the bible.
            Another one of my classes is Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the disciple of interpretation of the bible. I’m being taught how to study the bible. For example I had an assignment to find 25 observations on only Acts 1:8. After we finished that assignment we had to find another 25 observations on that 1 verse. I found more observations on that verse than there are words in the verse and there are so many more that I never saw. This is an amazing class because I m learning skills to see things God says in the bible that have been there but never saw before.
            I have had the opportunity to experience things that I would not have back in Florida. For example, a few weeks ago I attended an Apologetics Conference at Watermark Community Church. I had the opportunity to hear pastors from around the country speak on how to defend the Faith. Heard Pastors like Greg Koukl, Ravi Zacharias, Dan Wallace and others. My favorite was Dan Wallace, who is a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He talked about textual criticism and explained the thousands of ancient manuscripts out there in just Ancient Koine Greek there on the bible.
            As for ministry, I decided to end up serving at Northwest Bible Church. God lead me to serve in the Children’s Ministry on campus. Northwest bible is a very traditional church that tries to focus on teaching from the bible and not from other sources. Serving in children’s is a hard thing for me. Over the years, I have loved children but forgot how to deal with them. When I met with their children’s pastor, I discovered they were in the need of an A/V guy and from experience from The Crossing Church in Tampa; it became a good foothold into the children’s ministry.
I appreciate all of your prayers while I attend Dallas Theological Seminary. Specifically can you pray for God to continue to provide for me, specifically for my finances? Thank you so much.

I'm praying for you,
Jacob Drew