Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jonah 1:4 -- The Storm

            Jonah teaches us that this storm, whose physical causes are the same as those of all other storms, is there only for Jonah and because of Jonah. It has other effects. It sweeps the coasts, disperses fish, causes ships to founder. But its purpose is to smash inflexible Jonah. Thus the elements and many men, especially the sailors, are engaged in the adventure of Jonah with him and because of him. One sees here the weight and seriousness of vocation. God thinks his choice is so important, and takes the one elected so seriously, that he brings nature into play to see that this man fulfills his vocation.
... Jacques Ellul (1912-1994)

              Interesting quote today. I am in the process of studying Jonah for my Hebrew class and one of the verses is the one for the quote today. I never thought of the storm in Jonah's life before like this. God is willing to do what it takes to bring us back on the track to the ministry He has for us. He will even move mountains, relocate you to another part of the world or make things not work out the way you would like them. For me example, Im raising funds for a mission to Ireland and cannot seem to get the support as I would like it. I'm not sure what God is working here but I know that He loves me and has a plan for me. I just need to sit back and enjoy the ride.

        If interested in supporting my trip to Ireland, Simply go to or click Here and search my name in the find a missionary. You too can be a part of the ministry God is taking me to in Ireland.

Thank you,

Your brother in Christ Jacob