Sunday, November 24, 2019

Life is but a Vapor

 .        I have a question to ask. One that we all have done but perhaps have not thought of. Have you ever found yourself on a cold day observing your breath and before you can really picture it, it’s no longer before you. Okay, perhaps you would rather not find yourself on a cold morning looking at your breath. That is okay. Allow me to share with you a new image. Have you found yourself early in the morning with your favorite mug in your hand filled with a great cup of coffee. As you look over at your mug taking in the morning before your thoughts turn to the day ahead. You look to your mug and blow away the steam which is gone as fast as it appeared before.

Growing up in New England, winter was a beautiful time of the year. Yes cold, but nothing pales in comparison to waking up on the morning of a fresh snow. I remember as a child waking up and looking out the window of my room into the wonderland that lay outside. As soon as my parents allowed I would go outside and spend what time I could in that wonderland. I would play games with my brothers, make snow angels, make paths to play games and many other things. But with all of that, I would still sit in wonder of my surroundings. One thing I had always loved to do was sit and watch my breath in the cold. It would never stay long and could not stay long doing that as a the cold would get to your lungs.
What spired this train of thought was a day like today. It started early this morning which started slow. Where I struggled to wake, and seemed to take its time for when I had to head to work. I arrived at work promptly that morning. We were chugging along that morning, getting the store ready, prepping food we needed, taking care of customers and other administrative tasks needed for the day. Today would be a day I would not remember. I know what you are thinking how can you write about a day that is un memorable. I know because I have the same thought. Just give me a moment to share.
            So as I was sharing about work. The days started like any other day with its usual challenges and opportunities. As the day went on, I kept doing my thing and before I knew it I decided to look at my phone for the time and it was 9am. You see the day started at 5am and before I knew it, it was 9. Then before I knew it we approached lunch. You see when you open the café, lunch is the point meaning your shift is all but done. We pushed through lunch and after when my relief arrived, we took care of some transition details and my shift ended. I went from there to the gym where I was for 2 hours but felt like 10 minutes. Then went to small group and then drove home. The day started at 3am but before I knew it, I was in my car leaving small group at 10:30pm heading home. That night was particular foggy, so foggy that as I was on the highway headed home, I could not even see the sign for the exit I had to take. While I was driving home, looking into the fog following group. The Lord guided my mind to a verse in Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Vanity of Vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” I know what you’re thinking what does “vanity of vanities” have to do with vapor. Well you see the term in Hebrew is הֲבֵ֤ל which is defined as “vanity” but can also can be translated as breath or vapor.
            The book of Ecclesiastes is a book written by King Solomon, who has gifted with wisdom by the Lord. This man, unfortunately unwisely attempted to experience everything possible under the sun which is part of his fall. He is a man through personal experience how fleeting life is. He saw life as something that passes before it seems to begin. Take a moment to think of your own life. No matter your stage of life think for a moment I know you probably think that your childhood feels ages ago but at the same time it feels like yesterday you were running around school. I know you feel like this because of each time we visit a school we have almost flashbacks when we were in school.
            This train of thought makes you really wonder. As life is short, what is it that we should be living for. Should we seek families, careers, friends, or your own pleasures. As life is but a vapor, we should really be living for the only thing that matters in life which is to worship the Lord and be faithful to His commands for his church “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a) and “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” I don’t want to insist or pressure anything but consider for a moment. If life is but a vapor. That vapor from your mouth on a cold morning or off your coffee what is the point of our lives? Is it to live for us or for the one who create us and loved us enough to provide us the only way to eternal life John 3:16.