Sunday, May 20, 2012

Quick thought of the day

Pastor Burnard mentioned Romans 8:37 nkjv. We are more than conquerors. A conqueror means someone who went above and beyond who succeeded into victory. And we are more than conquerors. The reason is that Jesus was that conqueror who changed everything. I have been made to overcome through the grace that God gives us. Through the grace given to us we have the ability to surpass anything the enemy has for us. Thank you for everything Jesus!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Something that bothers me often???

There is a question that has long plagued me, something that has bothered me all of my life. What in this world do I really enjoy? What int his life do I enjoy doing? Especially within the past few years, what do I like to do? I go to the movies and leave without remembering a thing from the movie. I even treat other to join me to the movie and still feel alone. What do I enjoy doing?

            The main enemy in my spiritual battle is loneliness. Now I have developed some amazing friendships within the past few years that I would not want to give up for anything but still feel very much alone. Within this loneliness is the idea of finding enjoyment in little in this world. I do different things and put on a face that I enjoy it but really don’t. I have worked so hard over the past few years. I think i have focused on work so much in the past several years i don't know what i truly enjoy doing any more.

The main question is I don’t know…

Monday, May 14, 2012

I plan but Jesus Guides my steps

This morning in my morning devotion God spoke something very interesting into my life. I have always been a person who needs a plan for my future. Like where ill be living, what I will be doing for work and what I will be doing for school. When I graduated High school I planned on going to School in Boston but also planned a backup to attend Hillsborough community college. I in turn ended going to school at Hillsborough community college. Then after I received by AA degree I planned on going to Boston for my BA but set up a back up plan to attend USF incase my finances would fall through. It turned out I spent 2 years at USF to get my BA in history.
            The verse I read this morning was from the Charles Stanley bible. The verse was Proverbs 16:9; which reads, “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” God spoke to me from this verse. I have always planned my future. If any of you know me I have my next 5/10/15 years planned on with things I plan on doing in turn to my life. I always have these times planned in my mind. Here’s the key to this, I plan out my future but gave my future into the Hands of Jesus Christ. I told him that I trusted him and would God where he wanted me like he said to Abraham in Genesis. I would go where he wants me.
            I love when Jesus talks to me daily. He takes care of me and blesses me all day from the moment I wake in the morning to the end of my day. I pray that you take time through out the day to spend time to get to know Jesus so you can allow him to speak into your life. There is no greater feeling in life than one, which you get to have when you Jesus speak into your life.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

This is the first of many posts on what goes on in my life. I may post on a revelation I received from Jesus to my pursuits into Seminary. Just know I want to keep you posted on the direction my life is taking.