Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Irish never received a pure form of Christ

So it has not been officially day 12 since I left the comfort of Dallas to head on the adventure God has for me in Ireland. It has been amazing to see God working in Ireland. Since coming here God has also been working on me. I have noticed the reason God has been guiding my path all of these years and giving me passions and hobbies I enjoy.
            So upon arriving to Ireland I met with my TEAM field supervisor Linda who has helped me a lot to become acclimated to the Irish. Also, I have spent the majority of my time wandering around swords and have begun to become accustomed to Ireland. At least I hope so. I’ve already learned so much about the Irish. For example, when referring to the date when I leave, normally I would say august 1st but here I have been saying the 1st of August. I love learning about the Irish and how the Irish say things. If by the end of the summer God still wants me to continue to Ireland, I plan on purchasing the Irish Rosetta stone to learn the Irish language.

I’ve had the opportunity to go to 2 different castles here in Ireland, The 1st was by the coast and the second was in the Dublin area. These are beautiful castles and they show the rich culture that is within Ireland. While I was touring one of the castles I witnessed the superstitious nature of the Irish. These people believe ghosts are within the castles. Through a conversation with my field supervisor I learned that the Irish were never really Christian. You see back when Patrick introduced Christ to the Irish, he used the mysticism of the Irish into the Christian faith so they never really had a pure understanding of Christ. An example of this was when I attended a retired group called the pillars, the group was working on choosing a date to meet and when the mention of Friday the 13th he asked me, Do you go out on Friday the 13th? I was amazed how superstitious these people were.

Also, last night I began working with the youth here in Ireland. These young men and women have little activities to do here. They recently ended school and now they are on holiday. Most of them find stuff to do so they look to find some alcohol for themselves. The church I’m working with holds a youth group and they use Friday nights to hangout with each other. I met several great men and women at the event who I think God has brought to meet to befriend and hope to share the gospel. There was one young adult there by the name of Jim who attends the Wednesday men’s group because he wants community so he goes to the church. I’m not sure if he is a Christian but hopefully will find out soon. God has been blessing me with so many different things and I’m excited to see how God’s going to work in these next 2 months.

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