Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Adventure to Northern Ireland

Queen's College
           It has been an amazing few days. I had an opportunity these past few days. God gave me an opportunity to see another part of Ireland and see how God has been working in Ireland. This past Monday, I took a coach up to Belfast to spend time with a dear friend of mine. Upon arriving, I got to see first hand the city of Belfast. Belfast is an amazing city and God is doing a great work in that city. The history of the city is fascinating. Since 1913 when the Irish began to rise against the British control, the city has existed in a state of conflict between the people who wanted their country to be connected to the entire Ireland and not connected to the United Kingdom. These people formed the IRA and then there was a group who wanted to remain connected to the United Kingdom known as the Ulster Volunteer Force. These 2 groups of people associated between catholic and protestant churches fought among each other which led to the years of the troubles where one group would fight and kill and bomb the other. This was over and over. They even built the infamous peace walls and murals. This city built around a conflict has been healing but even with the vast amount of churches there is so much more to do in the city. I am thankful for the opportunity to see the city and the country from my friends. The ministry in the north seems a more traditional ministry while the south seems more difficult than others. At the same time, I am sure it is as difficult as the south just looks different.
I found Narnia
The Peace Wall
            This adventure to the north and the experiences I have had in the south from the church here and working with TEAM. The Irish people are a very proud people and at the same time a very lovely people. Just this past 24 hours I have had the opportunity to serve the church by helping set up for a wedding that will occur in the church building. I mainly helped by bringing chairs down from their attic back stage to their living room. I loved the opportunity to serve the community here by helping set up the church.

If you have an opportunity, can you please pray for…

People: Bill, Graham, Clem, Tim, Donna, Eric, James, Julia, Linda, Jesse, Joyce, Danny, Pablo, Rebekah, David, Esther, Dennis, M. Murphy, Robyn, Sylvia, Dorothy, Joanne, Allison, Davy, and all of the Irish People

Organizations: SBC, Exodus, Exodus Teams

Events: Kids Club at SBC, Holiday Bible Club in Tobermore, Men’s Shed, and TEAM
Also, Please pray God to continue his work in my life and allow me to be sensitive to the needs of the Irish


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