Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1 Month until Seminary Begins

In the past week I have survived my stay at Dallas Theological Seminary. There are many things I miss in Florida. Mainly the people I have called family, sister, and brother. In my life I always longed for a friendship with someone on a deep level. It is one that has longed plagued my life. One that when I was younger made me lose sleep and one that even broke me down emotionally to a point I would not let anyone else in. I cannot explain it but God showed me what true community was like though a few people I have come to call brother. This is something I greatly miss from Florida. These people were brothers and sisters to me. Not in a worldly view but on a deep spiritual level. Relationships bound by our faith in Jesus Christ are ones that will forever change someone.

            Anyway, I have come against many things spiritual since I have left Florida. I had to confront the things the enemy uses often in my life to make me fall short of the Glory of God. I also have had to confront things I did not know existed. After a recommendation from a dear friend of mine, Scott McIntosh, I began reading Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. I began reading it after I left Florida and arrived at my first stop in North Carolina. This opened my eyes to what true masculinity is. How the church has almost feminized what masculinity means. A man desires in his heart adventure, he longs for more that what goes on in his life. Whether that means just going on a weekend hike or simply trying something new at work. A man was never designed to be the nice guy but so much more. Those who grew up in church remember seeing the images of Jesus. The ones in which he was white, long brown hair, and almost looking physically weak, you know the picture I am referring to. For me Jesus was so much more when He walked on this earth. I see Him being a man who built things; His earthly father was in fact a carpenter. I can only imagine what it took to be a carpenter at that day and age. Must have been a lot of work.
            With that in mind God has blessed me more that I could imagine. It is amazing what God will do in your life when you follow him. Even me getting to Texas could not have happened unless it’s Gods will. I desire in the depths of my heart to serve Him. To do his will. As I prepare to begin my studies in a few weeks I desire to grow to a point in my walk with Jesus that is similar to David. I want to share all the blessings in my life so far here in Texas but I do not want to take away from the idea that I am here to prepare for the work God has for me. Perhaps soon I will share the blessing God has for me but for now I am still trying to understand a few of the blessings in my life right now.
In the mean time, Please continue to pray for me. Please Pray for God to continue to provide for me and for his guidance in my life.

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